Friday, February 28, 2020

Feb 24-28

- we spent this week building understanding of division, using the area model from last week
- we examined different strategies for division, including repeated subtraction and the long division model.
- we used number strings to develop proofs for division.

- we watched a video to demonstrate how mountains form at convergent boundaries and subduction zones How Mountains are Made
- Ms. B came by and taught us different techniques for watercolor painting.
- we are using the skills of careful observation in art and science to paint mountain landscapes in Alberta.

Upcomming Dates

March 20 - Non Instructional Day (no classes)
March 23 - April 5 - Spring Break (no classes)

Friday, February 21, 2020

Feb 18-21

- we spent this week developing an understanding of multiplication using an area model like the one below
Image result for decimal multiplication area model
- we practiced multiplication using strategies like the box method and the standard algorithm.

-students took notes from the textbook about 3 types of rock - Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary
- I did a demonstration of the rock cycle using crayons and heat. Ask your student about it.
- We completed a virtual lab activity on the Rock Cycle (see the previous blog post for more info)

Upcomming Dates

February 25 - Stampeders #EndBullying Presentation from 9-10AM
February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
February 27 - Calgary Hitmen Be Brave hockey game

Virtual Rock Lab

Today we are using an online lab to learn more about the different types of rocks and the rock cycle.
You will record your learning in a google doc:

Types of Rock and the Rock Cycle

  1. Open the doc
  2. Make a copy for yourself called "YourName_Types of Rock and the Rock Cycle"
  3. Share the copy with Mrs. Matheson using
  4. Answer all of the questions (fill in the blanks as necessary).

The virtual lab is at:

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Feb 10-12 Science

Short week this week...

Rembember that there is no school on Thursday Feb 13 or Friday Feb 14 for Teacher's Convention.

Monday Feb 17 is Family Day - No Classes

Science This Week

We worked on a mapping assignment called Ring of Fire - using longitude and latitude locations of volcanoes and earthquakes to predict the boundaries of the Pacific Plate, also known as the Ring of Fire. This assignment is due Tuesday Feb 18.

Other recent assignments have been recorded as handed in/missing in Powerschool. Check your student's progress here...

Login to MyCBE/Powerschool

Students finished off the week with a Planet Earth Vocabulary quiz. These key terms were posted earlier this week. That post hit an all-time high of 50 views!! Way to go!

Feb 10-12 Math: Decimal Addition and Subtraction Practice

This week in Math we've been practicing adding and subtracting decimal numbers.
Students used number lines and 10x10 grids to model addition and subtraction.
Students used these questions to practice their skills at adding and subtracting.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Science Vocabulary for Wedensday's Quiz

Here are the words and definitions you will need to know:
  • Seismologist - A scientist that studies earthquakes
  • Seismograph - A machine or instrument that records and measures the strength of earthquakes
  • Seismic Waves - Waves of energy that travel through earth's layers as a result of earthquakes
  • Earthquake - a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface. It is caused by movement deep within the earth. 
  • Bedrock - The solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, found beneath soil, and, or gravel
  • Primary Waves - Smaller waves that travel through solid, liquid and gas and warn that an earthquake is coming
  • Secondary Waves - Medium sized waves that only travel through solids
  • Surface Waves - Largest and most destructive waves, travel on the surface
  • Richter Scale - Scale from 1-10 that measures the magnitude of an earthquake
  • Magnitude - Size or strength of the earthquake
  • Focus - Point underneath the earth's surface where the earthquake begins
  • Epicentre - Point on the earth's surface where the earthquake is felt most intensely
  • Plate Tectonics - Theory of how the plates move (rock lithosphere on gooey magma asthenosphere)
  • Continental Drift - A historical theory where Alfred Wegener explained that the continents were once all together as the supercontinent of Pangaea. He used fossil evidence as well as the shape of continents to prove this theory.
  • Plate Boundaries - Place where two tectonic plates are interacting 
  • Divergent Boundary - Two plates moving apart - creates volcanoes and the mid-oceanic ridge
  • Convergent Boundary - Two plates coming together

    • continent-continent convergent boundaries create mountains
    • continent-ocean convergent boundaries - the oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate
  • Transform Boundary - Two plates moving in opposite directions, often causes earthquakes
  • Subduction - Movement of the oceanic plate sideways and downwards into the mantle beneath a neighboring plate
  • Lithosphere - The outside rock layer of the earth made of the Crust and Upper Mantle
  • Asthenosphere - A part of the Mantle right below the Lithosphere on which the lithosphere moves
Definitions from: 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Feb 3-7

February is Black History Month

- marks are available in PowerSchool for the Percent Quiz last week
- students made corrections on the Percent Quiz
- we practiced ordering and placing decimal, fraction, percent and ratio numbers accurately on a number line
- students built Frayer models of equivalent representations of decimal numbers.

- the Oreo cookie (plate boundary) Lab was due Monday
- we completed an activity called Finding the Epicenter - using triangulation to locate the epicenter of an earthquake.
- The class generated a list of vocabulary related to the Planet Earth unit. Each student was assigned one of these words to complete as a vocabulary assignment. The page must include the word, a picture or diagram, the definition, and a quote or sentence containing the word.

We continued this Friday with RTI, focusing on skill development in reading comprehension for Literacy and place value and decimals in Numeracy. Ask your student about this amazing learning opportunity.

Upcomming Dates

February 13 & 14 - Teachers' Convention (No Classes)
February 17 - Family Day (No Classes)
February 25 - Stampeders #EndBullying Presentation from 9-10AM
February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
February 27 - Calgary Hitmen Be Brave hockey game

Suggestions for Learning from Home

Hi all. Know that I, and all your teachers at Ernest Morrow, are thinking about you during these times. I know that some of you will be ...